



This is a pop-up book.

The project is based on the concept of "hidden room" and "intrusion", for which I conceived a story that took place under murky waters. In the story, with the intrusion of water, the boy turns into a goldfish like his parents, but he cannot accept the fight between the fish, so he finally decides to hide in his secret room, recalling the happy time with his parents alone.

  Water and fish in this story are metaphors. With the development of society, all kinds of desires are eroding people's hearts -- the desire for money, fame, and so on. These desires and pressures that come with them are as pervasive as a murky sea. Many people abandon their ability to think and surrender to the tide of desires, while others feel suffocating in the endless chasing, just like the boy in this story.

Through this story, I hope to tell readers not to forget the good things in life and not to become hateful people even when struggling with the tide of life.