Children’s Books

White Space

In the

Night Sky

This is a story about rabbits looking for the moon.

Once upon a time, there was nothing in the sky. One night, rabbits found a luminous hole in the sky. They named it the moon and fell in love with it. But God fixed the hole, and seeing the moon disappear, the rabbits felt very sad, so they cut open the night sky to find the moon. They keep looking for the moon, and God keeps fixing the night sky. This tug of war continues today, which is why the moon waxes and wanes.

The author's attempt to have complete control over his/her work and the reader's desire to interpret it are competing for the right to interpret the work. The charm of art evolves in the constant competition between the creator and the viewer. I want to show this process of competition in my project.

I hope readers will have their unique reflections on how to interpret a work after reading this picture book.